Post Garden Tour

We had over 1,000 visits at the two gardens this past weekend - whew!  Thank you to all the visitors and volunteers who help make the tour a vibrant day I look forward to each Spring - we couldn't do it without you!

It is tradition for me to take the day after the tour off to rest and recuperate.  This year I decided to take a restorative hike on Mt. Diablo. ​ I visited with many of my favorite native wildflowers and was recharged with an unexpected late season rain shower!  The marvelous colors and scents were magnified by the rain that left the mountain shimmering once the sun came out again.  Enjoy the photos!

Plant list in order of appearance in gallery:

Chlorogalum pomeridianum (Soap Plant), Lepechinia fragrans (Pitcher Sage), Castilleja (Indian Paint Brush)​, Stylomecon heterophylla (Wind Poppy), Collinsia heterophylla (Chinese Houses), Collinsia tinctoria, Orobanche bulbosa, Calochortus venustus (Mariposa Lilly), Variable Checker Spot Butterfly, Clematis lasthiana.